Teeth Grinding Treatment (Bruxism)

Teeth Grinding Treatment Bruxism image

Even though bruxism (teeth grinding) is typically viewed as an extremely annoying habit, it is also generally seen as a harmless bad habit. Nothing could be further from the truth (than the bit about it being harmless, that is) because grinding your teeth – over time- can severely damage both teeth and jaws. Bruxism can also transform your bite relationship.

The habit of grinding teeth causes abrasion to the chewing surfaces… an abnormal wear and tear, which will prematurely age and loosen teeth. This, ultimately, opens the door to more problems such as hypersensitive teeth. In addition, Bruxism can lead to headaches and chronic jaw or facial pain.

So if somebody you know has been driving you up the wall with their bad habit of teeth grinding, do yourself (and them) a favor by letting them know the risks and recommend that they see a dentist in Chicago for Bruxism treatment. Sometimes, those suffering this condition are unaware that they are grinding their teeth or that this is causing a problem for others – let alone themselves.

On the other hand, what should you do if it’s you with the teeth grinding problem? If you hear popping sounds when you open and close your mouth, if your jaw is sore, if your teeth look abnormally short and/or worn down, or if you notice small dents in your tongue… you might want to schedule an appointment to visit a dentist for Bruxism.

How to Stop Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding is a treatable condition often caused by an inability to cope well with stress or anxiety. We all react differently to these important parts of life, and there are treatments available for the unhealthy reactions (such as grinding your teeth) which can result in more health problems and more stress. A popular and effective therapy that is often used in this scenario involves the use of a special piece that is worn in your mouth while you are sleeping. Other effective treatment methods that are less intrusive may involve biofeedback and behavior modification, such as tongue exercises and learning how to properly align your tongue, teeth and lips. Your dentist will let you know which Bruxism treatment options are most appropriate for your unique circumstances, but behavioral modification is almost always an underlying factor in the most effective treatments available.

For more information, please contact us at Big Smile Dental. We would be pleased to schedule a consultation.

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