Dentures sound like old news. They’ve been around since the beginning of dentistry, yet they remain one of the most popular dental appliances. You might think we would have a better solution by now. In fact, we do – but they have the same name. Today’s dentures have little in common with the uncomfortable and unattractive appliances you might remember grandma wearing.
What’s new in the world of dentures?
But, not all dentures are created equal
You might be thinking, if modern dentures are so great, then why do I hear so many complaints? Why do I see people with obviously fake teeth? How can I be sure my dentures will be better than that? In truth, the difference is in the dentist.
Creating a beautiful, comfortable denture is entirely possible with today’s technology and materials. Of course, creating a masterpiece painting is entirely possible if you use a quality canvas and the best paints available. Yet only a true artist can meet the challenge. Similarly, only a genuine dental artist can design a truly breathtaking smile. The team at Big Smile Dental is known for unparalleled quality and service, which have earned us a number of awards including Angie’s List Super Service, Best Dentist in Chicago, America’s Best Dentists and more.
See for yourself what a difference cosmetic dentures can make. Call us at 773-772-8400 and schedule an appointment today.